ASERL members believe that our libraries and institutions are better able to fulfill our individual missions through collaborative programs, and that the benefits of collaborative action can be greater than those provided by the same institutions acting independently. By working together, ASERL members provide and maintain top quality resources and services for the students, faculty, and citizens of their respective communities.
The Collaborative Federal Depository Program (CFDP)
Initiated in 2006, the CFDP furthers the Government Printing Office’s (GPO) objective of increasing cooperation among Regional Depositories; enhancing cooperative training, outreach, service and collection analysis and development activities to improve access to Federal government information for the citizens in the ASERL region.
Scholars Trust
First proposed in the Spring of 2010, the ASERL Journal Retention Program expanded to become Scholars Trust in early 2013, when ASERL and the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) signed an agreement to combine the contents of their respective print journal archives under a single retention and access agreement. Today, Scholars Trust represents the shared print journal archives of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), the Florida Academic Repository (FLARE(opens in new window)), and the Washington Research Library Consortium.