Accessibility Interest Group

Accessibility is key to serving our user communities. ASERL’s Accessibility Interest Group strives to support the accessibility work that is going on in all ASERL libraries and universities through participation in the Library Accessibility Alliance, the provision of education and training resources and fostering a network of colleagues who share similar interests and needs.

Committee Chairs

The ASERL Accessibility Interest Group is currently led by a leadership team:

Upcoming Accessibility Events

Accessibility questions or topics for future events from ASERL members may be added anonymously to our discussion Padlet ahead of time.


Accessibility Water Cooler

3:00 pm ET/2:00 pm CT

Accessibility Water Cooler

2:00 pm ET/1:00 pm CT

Accessibility Water Cooler

2:00 pm ET/1:00 pm CT

Accessibility Resources

The Accessibility Best Practices for Productivity Tools guide includes accessibility tips and tools for making your everyday work (emails, documents, slides, websites, online meetings) more accessible.

The Accessible Hiring Conversation Guide is a resource to help library workers have conversations about how to make the hiring process accessible for candidates and search committee members. The advice and ideas provided in the guide are not hard-and-fast rules that guarantee an accessible hiring practice. Instead, they are a place to start talking about how to make hiring as inviting and accessible as possible at your library.

The ASERL Accessibility Information Catalog is a resource that contains links to accessibility policies and statements from ASERL libraries. If you have updates or corrections for this resource, provide feedback using our form.

The ASERL Accessibility Water Cooler is an online opportunity for discussion of accessibility issues in the ASERL community. If you have ideas or topics for future community calls, let us know on our feedback form.

The ASERL Accessibility Working Group -is small working group that discusses accessibility topics and works on small projects. If you think you might be interested in joining this groups or starting a small group to work on an accessibility project, reach out to any of the Leadership Team members listed above.

The current working group members are:

  • Beth Ashmore (North Carolina State University)
  • Sara Belmont (William & Mary)
  • Karen Brunsting (University of Memphis)
  • Lizzie Cope (University of Tennessee – Knoxville)
  • Karen Garrabant (Emory University)
  • Elyssa Gould (University of Tennessee – Knoxville)
  • Carl Hess (University of Memphis)
  • Peggy Kain (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
  • Kimberly Larsen (University of Arkansas)
  • Kim Looby (University of North Carolina – Charlotte)
  • Robin Ruggaber (University of Virginia)
  • Deirdre Scaggs (Univesity of Kentucky)
  • Deseree Stukes (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)

The Cultivating Belonging: Library Accessibility Essentials is a self-paced online course from our partners at the Big Ten Academic Alliance that has been made available at no cost to ASERL members.  This course includes topics such as disability services, implicit bias, disability etiquette, and how to make digital content on and off the web more accessible. A certificate of completion will be issued to participants who successfully finish all modules of the course.  The average time to completion is five hours. 

Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) website includes e-resource testing,  model accessibility language for e-resource licenses, and LAA impact and analysis reports. If you are interested in representing ASERL on one of the LAA committees, complete our volunteer form.

What's new in ASERL's Accessibility Interest Group?