Upcoming Membership Meetings

Meeting Minutes: View ASERL meeting minutes from November 2000 to present

Agendas and Meeting Materials: View meeting agendas and materials from 2007 to present.

Meeting Site Selection   (*.pdf format)
ASERL holds membership meetings twice per year. To ensure maximum member participation as well as a measure of exposure to different library settings/geographic locations, ASERL strives to ensure that at least one meeting per year takes place at an airline hub location. Meetings that do not meet this requirement should consider the following criteria:

  1. Reasonable travel – Reasonable drive time / Aim for no more than one airline connection for most attendees
  2. Reasonable cost – Aim for hotels less than $200/night; consider A/V, parking & catering costs, too
  3. Quality of meeting space – Lighting, sight lines, decor, upkeep, etc.
  4. Walkability/After-hours appeal – Availability of shops & restaurants
  5. Proximity to ASERL libraries