How do you manage the expectations of donors, administrators, and the public about collecting and facilitating access to materials with complex creators, content, or histories? Risky Business: The Politics, Pitfalls, and Possibilities of Curatorial Practice in Special Collections will convene important conversations among Special Collections librarians, archivists, and others who work with these challenges on […]
Summary Developing a website that meets branding guidelines, prioritizes student-focused user needs, and caters to library professional user quirks can be tricky and, at times, downright impossible. This session explores redesigning a library homepage, including planning, building, implementing, and assessing a new library website. A robust resource list is provided to help start the […]
Where does research end and creative imagination begin? How might teaching archival literacies to students also involve understanding poetry and storytelling? And how might empowering students to produce original work from the archives allow historians, curators and publishers to re-imagine the voices present and absent in the archives – the primary evidence we have of […]