ASERL Copyright Office Hour — September 2024
Bring your copyright questions and puzzling situations! Copyright experts from ASERL libraries will be on hand to help sort through whatever is on your mind. September 27 at 3pm ET / 2pm Central Time REGISTER: https://emory.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsduGtqD0pGdKLsk3_9KOTcEyH5-TNtGxJ QUESTIONS can be submitted anonymously in advance at https://forms.gle/GZM8WKMf7CtRSVTN8.

ASERL Assoc Dean / AUL Networking Discussion: Vendor Plans for AI Integration
The Leadership Group for ASERL’s Associate Dean/AUL Networking Group plans to devote most of our sessions for the 2024-25 program year to various aspects of AI and research libraries. First up for the year: On September 26, please join us to hear from a well-known vendor about their plans for AI integration into their products […]
A Developing Community: Accessibility and Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) has become a trending topic as talk about Web 3.0 and the metaverse became unavoidable in the last few years. However, despite the ambitions of technocrats to use this technology to change the way we socialize, shop, and live our lives, who does "we" include? Over the last 5 years, a steady […]

ASERL Resource Sharing Community Call: Updates from ASERL ILL
Come join us to hear what in the world (of resource sharing) ASERL has been up to this year! Register here: https://emory.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrf-yopjgiHNL4muUZLuQ5bYUCjE6mF6tS We hope to have an informative and communal discussion. All ASERL library employees are welcome.
Dr. Elfreda Chatman: Library Leadership by Examining the Socially and Economically Marginalized
Summary: This presentation seeks to introduce attendees to the work of Dr. Elfreda Chatman who personified the core of Critical Management Studies through the diversity and fluidity of people who serve in the public sphere and examining the server's role. By examining the various ethnographic studies that Chapman completed on those often considered socially and […]

ASERL Schol-Comm Community Call: What’s of interest for the upcoming program year?
ASERL Schol-Comm Community Call: What's of interest for the upcoming program year? September 18, 2024 1pm ET / 12pm Central Time REGISTER: https://emory.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkf-iqpj8oE9frUaOZ6LHaVRxXICfzXBmw The 2024-25 ASERL Scholarly Communications Committee wants your input on programming for the coming year. Please join us to share your thoughts and ideas! ASERL Scholarly Communications Committee Leadership Group […]

Accessibility Water Cooler
Creating an Accessible Hiring Guide: It’s the Small Things That Count September 17, 2024, 3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT REGISTER at https://forms.gle/cZxZRj1anmwtaQ4N8 ASERL is proud to announce the launch of its new Accessible Hiring Conversation Guide tailored specifically for academic libraries. This comprehensive guide aims to foster representation and responsiveness in the hiring […]

SPARC Webinar: Emerging Issues in OA
This webinar is hosted by our colleagues at SPARC. As demonstrated in our earlier sessions, Open Access (OA) has gained traction over the last three decades, and its principles and practices are widely applied across scholarly disciplines. That application has surfaced a number of issues that have complicated the adoption of OA—particularly its effectiveness in […]
Mastering the Art of Planning and Leading Effective Meetings
Summary In our dynamic environment, where collaboration is key to meeting our individual, organizational, and institutional goals, and a university, mastering the art of planning and leading effective meetings is essential. This workshop is tailored specifically for academic library professionals to equip them with strategies to foster collaboration by optimizing meetings, making them more efficient, […]

ASERL Copyright Office Hour — August 2024
Bring your copyright questions and puzzling situations! Copyright experts from ASERL libraries will be on hand to help sort through whatever is on your mind. August 23 at 3pm ET / 2pm Central Time REGISTER: https://emory.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldO2hqjsoG9PRenf1hsVeMEN249ZIEP4I QUESTIONS can be submitted anonymously in advance at https://forms.gle/GZM8WKMf7CtRSVTN8.

GLA-TSIG / Carterette Series: “Licensing for Accessibility: Ask Me Anything”
The Georgia Library Association’s Technical Services Interest Group is partnering with the Carterette Series Webinars to host "Licensing for Accessibility: Ask Me Anything." All ASERL members are welcome to attend! At the end of 2022, the E-Resources Management Working Group of the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) published a guide to negotiating accessibility with vendors. […]

SPARC Webinar: OA Case Studies
This webinar is hosted by our colleagues at SPARC. This session will deepen your understanding of Open Access by providing a set of specific case studies. We will discuss three major areas of work: supporting OA through licensing agreements and policies, empowering scholars with new literacies, and supporting access and discovery through repositories. Each area […]