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Textually Speaking: Narratives of 20th Century Racial Struggle, Resistance, and Resilience Through Primary Sources

Dec 6, 2022

Reveal Digital develops Open Access primary source collections from under-represented 20th-century voices of dissent, using a unique publishing model where funding and source material are pooled together from libraries and archives.

In this webinar, Reveal Digital staff will introduce the ASERL community to two significant digital resources in development, Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents in the 1920s and Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements.

Through interviews with scholars like Miguel Hernandez author of The Ku Klux Klan and Freemasonry in 1920s America: Fighting Fraternities referencing materials from Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents in the 1920s, webinar participants will gain insight into the depth of once-hidden content that is now or will be available for discovery on JSTOR and how the material is having a significant impact on contemporary scholarship.


Anne Ray, Managing Editor at Reveal Digital, JSTOR

Cornelius Fortune, Digital Archivist at Reveal Digital, JSTOR

George Garner, CRHC Assistant Director and Curator at the South Bend Civil Rights Heritage Center

Marvin Byrd, Digital Humanities Program Manager at Tuskegee University

Dr. Miguel Hernández, Lecturer in American History at Aberystwyth University