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ASERL Community Convo: Read & Publish and Transformative Agreements at Your Institution — What’s working and what’s not?

Jun 12, 2023

Co-Sponsored by ASERL’s Collection Strategies Interest Group and Scholarly Communications Interest Groups


ASERL’s Collections Strategies and Scholarly Communications Interest Groups are sponsoring a discussion among ASERL members about transformative agreements at our respective institutions. We are looking to serve as a participatory forum to share experiences — both positive and negative — of these models. We will have a general introduction to introduce key questions and discussion format, and then move into smaller “breakout sessions.”


Potential questions:

  • How are we supporting these agreements financially? 
  • How do these agreements fit in to other arrangements, such as pure OA publishing, subscribe to open, etc.?
  • How are our faculty and researchers engaging with these arrangements?
  • Are there certain principles, criteria, or policies for signing on to these arrangements?

Should libraries continue to support these sorts of agreements? Are there new considerations and implications in response to the recent Nelson memo? Should libraries even be in the role of compliance when it comes to supporting research funder mandates?


REGISTER HERE:  https://emory.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArdOispj0tH9NUyrjwQXjrgQX4OJglmnt2