Guest post written by Catalina Piatt-Esguerra (UVA Associate Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility)
The Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) recently held its bi-annual Professional Development Retreat at the University of Virginia Library from October 2-4. Focused on the theme “Building Competency Towards a Thriving Culture and Climate,” the retreat provided a dynamic opportunity for ASERL library members to deepen their skills in fostering inclusive work environments. Nearly thirty participants from more than a dozen institutions attended the event, which featured sessions on topics such as “Building Inclusive Spaces: A Committee’s Work?,” “Leading Boldly: A Look at Diverse Leaders,” and “Partners in Power: Where Inclusion Meets Human Resources.” ASERL Professional Development Coordinator Elaina Norlin provided essential insights by aligning these themes with larger national trends in libraries and offering actionable steps for future growth. 
Participants were also given the opportunity to engage with Charlottesville’s complex and significant history. Panelists such as Jessica Harris, President of Descendants of Enslaved Communities at UVA, and Eze Amos, UVA Library’s nationally acclaimed photojournalist, reflected on the community’s experiences during the 2017 Unite the Right rally. Their accounts vividly illustrated the challenges Charlottesville faced and the resilience it demonstrated in the aftermath. Additionally, guided tours of historic sites like Monticello, the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, and UVA’s Memorial to Enslaved Laborers provided attendees with a richer understanding of the area’s history and the legacies of slavery in Virginia. 
The success of the retreat was a true collaborative effort, made possible by the UVA Library’s ASERL Task Force and Scott Ackerman (Associate Director of Organizational Learning, Culture, and Outreach), led by Catalina Piatt-Esguerra (Associate Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility). One participant summed up the retreat “I really enjoyed everything: the panels, the tour of Shannon & Enslaved Laborer’s Memorial and meeting very nice people! Both receptions were very nice and a chance to talk more with other attendees.” For those interested in learning more about future ASERL retreats, please reach out to Elaina Norlin enolin@aserl.org to connect with upcoming opportunities and resources within the broader ASERL network.