At ASERL’s most recent membership meeting in Atlanta, ASERL deans/directors elected a slate of candidates to serve on the association’s Board of Directors. Our newest Board members are:
- Jeff Steely, Dean of Libraries at Georgia State University, serving as President-Elect in 2023-2024, President in 2024-2025, and Past-President in 2025-2026
- Irene Herold, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, serving as a Member At-Large for 2023-2025
- Jason Battles, Dean of Libraries at University of Arkansas, serving as a Member At-Large for 2023-2025
Board members who are continuing in their roles with ASERL are:
- Gale Etschmaier, Dean of Libraries at Florida State University, is serving as ASERL Board President for 2023-2024. Dean Etschmaier will become Past-President in 2024-2025
- Chris Cox, Dean of Libraries at Clemson University, is ASERL’s Past-President for 2023-2024
- Doug Way, Dean of Libraries at University of Kentucky, is ASERL’s Secretary-Treasurer for 2023-2024
- Leslie Sharp, Dean of Libraries at Georgia Tech, is another Board Member At-Large for 2023-2024
ASERL thanks the following people whose terms of Board service ended with this election cycle:
- Tim Pyatt, Dean of ZSR Library at Wake Forest University, after many years of service to the ASERL community
- Kasia Gonnerman, Dean of Libraries at the University of Alabama-Birmingham
- John Unsworth, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Virginia