In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 18th, the ASERL Accessibility Interest Group would like to share 3 steps you can take to make your library more accessible.
Step 1: Get acquainted!
If your library has users, you have users with disabilities! Two-thirds of students with disabilities never inform their college or university to receive assistance. Get to know your community and understand what barriers your services, resources, and physical spaces might pose to them.
Disability Impacts All of Us, CDC
A Majority of College Students with Disabilities Do Not Inform School, NCES
Step 2: Evaluate!
Take a look at your spaces, resources, and services to see where you can make improvements that would benefit all your users. Not sure where to begin? Reach out to your peer institutions, library associations, consortia, and disability advocates in your community for help.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Checklist
How to Meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Step 3: Educate & advocate!
You don’t have to figure out how to make a difference all alone. Join with the wider accessibility and library communities to educate yourself on best practices to make your services, resources, and spaces accessible. Share what you learn with others. Accessibility is a team sport!
Ready to do something?
Take advantage of Global Accessibility Awareness Day and join in-person and virtual events with the worldwide accessibility community to learn more and make our world a little more accessible today and every day.
Here are additional resources to get you started:
Accessible to All – Resources to Learn More About Disabilities (UTK)
NC LIVE Accessibility Webinars
Library Accessibility Alliance Webinars
ASERL Accessibility Interest Group Webpage
Feel free to share this information on your library social media in honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 18, 2023.