The ASERL Board of Directors recently affirmed Kathy Bradshaw, Associate Dean for Organizational Development at VCU Libraries, and Heather Garritty, Assistant Dean for Administrative Services at George Mason University Libraries to serve as ASERL’s representatives to the Research Library Position Description Bank (RLPDB) User Advisory Group. The Position Description Bank contains information about more than 10,000 job descriptions within research libraries across much of the northern hemisphere. The User Advisory Group includes representatives from the four research library consortia that support the database — ASERL, ARL, CARL, and RLUK — to provide guidance on system design and future improvements. Bradshaw and Garritty will serve initial terms of two to three years (depending on rotation.)
Both are excited with this new service role: “I look forward to being a part of a collaborative community where I can gain insight into others’ experiences and perspectives particularly within the HR-side of the research libraries arena. It’s exciting to be able to participate in the conversation, share George Mason Libraries’ perspective, and learn from others in this community,” commented Ms. Garritty. Added Ms. Bradshaw, “Collaborating with others further to develop this resource is a great opportunity. Having a group at the ready to discuss issues and pose questions is so welcome and important! I am really pleased we can share knowledge and further our own skills, too.”
All ASERL libraries can use the RLPDB — see our introductory webinar for more information. Additional questions can be directed to John Burger.