Do you love your job and also long for an opportunity to do something new? Interested in exploring emerging possibilities in resource sharing? Check out ASERL’s new Visiting Program Officer for Expanded Resource Sharing opportunity!
ASERL is now seeking applicants from member institutions to serve as a Visiting Program Officer (VPO) to research potential options for expanding resource sharing in the consortium; develop overall goals and strategies for building robust ILL systems in the network; and prepare ASERL to meet those demands.
As a collaborator with ASERL’s consortium team, the VPO will have the opportunity to be a leader in the critical resource sharing field. Along with access to travel funding, the VPO will develop experience working with projects beyond the institutional level, building relationships across the libraries of 38 of the best research universities in the region.
See the full position announcement here. Contact John Burger (jburger at aserl.org) or Rebecca Crist (rebecca at aserl.org) with questions, or to apply. We hope to hear from you soon!