Libraries in Process Community Call: OER advocacy in a time of remote teaching

Join the ASERL Scholarly Communications Interest Group for our fourth Libraries in Process community call on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT. We’ll be taking a look at Open Educational Resources (OER) advocacy in an age of remote teaching. We are pleased to have Katy Miller, Student Success and Textbook Affordability Librarian at the University of Central Florida, kick us off with an update on her work in this area. This will be a very informal, discussion-based call – please come with your questions, experiences, and thoughts to share!

Katy Miller is the Student Success/Textbook Affordability Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries. She is currently serving as the library’s Interim Department Head for Student Learning and Engagement. Before joining UCF, she worked as a Title V grant Project Director for the East Campus of Valencia College and Library Director for Valencia’s Winter Park Campus. She is interested in how libraries can connect with students and develop strategies to position the library as an essential part of their academic journey.

Interested in sharing on a topic you’re working on? E-mail Zach Lukemire or Devin Soper and sign-up to share about your work on a future Libraries in Process call.